Taif Prayer Time
This page displays up-to-date and accurate prayer times in Taif for daily, seven-day, and thirty-day periods. This salat timing is according to the Umm al-Qura calendar, which is the most authentic source for Islamic events and is mostly followed in Saudi Arabia.
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Jan 15 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:28 PM | 3:36 PM | 5:57 PM | 7:27 PM |
Namaz Time in Taif for the Next 10 Days
Check the table below for accurate salah times in Taif for the next ten days to ensure you never miss a prayer. This updated schedule will help you effortlessly maintain your spiritual routine.
2025 January | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
15 Wednesday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:28 PM | 3:35 PM | 5:57 PM | 7:27 PM |
16 Thursday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:28 PM | 3:36 PM | 5:58 PM | 7:28 PM |
17 Friday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:28 PM | 3:37 PM | 5:59 PM | 7:29 PM |
18 Saturday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:29 PM | 3:37 PM | 5:59 PM | 7:29 PM |
19 Sunday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:29 PM | 3:38 PM | 6:00 PM | 7:30 PM |
20 Monday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:29 PM | 3:38 PM | 6:01 PM | 7:31 PM |
21 Tuesday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:30 PM | 3:39 PM | 6:01 PM | 7:31 PM |
22 Wednesday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:30 PM | 3:40 PM | 6:02 PM | 7:32 PM |
23 Thursday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:30 PM | 3:40 PM | 6:03 PM | 7:33 PM |
24 Friday | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:30 PM | 3:41 PM | 6:03 PM | 7:33 PM |
Taif Salah Time for the Next 30 Days
Over the next 30 days, Muslims in Taif can plan their daily activities around the precise timings of the five daily prayers. The table below displays the salah time in Taif for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha for the whole month. Having access to such a schedule will keep you punctual and devoted to your worship.
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Jan 15 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:28 PM | 3:36 PM | 5:57 PM | 7:27 PM |
Jan 16 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:28 PM | 3:36 PM | 5:58 PM | 7:28 PM |
Jan 17 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:28 PM | 3:37 PM | 5:59 PM | 7:29 PM |
Jan 18 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:29 PM | 3:37 PM | 5:59 PM | 7:29 PM |
Jan 19 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:29 PM | 3:38 PM | 6:00 PM | 7:30 PM |
Jan 20 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:29 PM | 3:38 PM | 6:01 PM | 7:31 PM |
Jan 21 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:30 PM | 3:39 PM | 6:01 PM | 7:31 PM |
Jan 22 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:30 PM | 3:40 PM | 6:02 PM | 7:32 PM |
Jan 23 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:30 PM | 3:40 PM | 6:03 PM | 7:33 PM |
Jan 24 | 5:38 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:30 PM | 3:41 PM | 6:03 PM | 7:33 PM |
Jan 25 | 5:38 AM | 6:57 AM | 12:31 PM | 3:41 PM | 6:04 PM | 7:34 PM |
Jan 26 | 5:38 AM | 6:57 AM | 12:31 PM | 3:42 PM | 6:05 PM | 7:35 PM |
Jan 27 | 5:38 AM | 6:57 AM | 12:31 PM | 3:42 PM | 6:05 PM | 7:35 PM |
Jan 28 | 5:38 AM | 6:57 AM | 12:31 PM | 3:43 PM | 6:06 PM | 7:36 PM |
Jan 29 | 5:38 AM | 6:56 AM | 12:31 PM | 3:43 PM | 6:07 PM | 7:37 PM |
Jan 30 | 5:38 AM | 6:56 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:44 PM | 6:07 PM | 7:37 PM |
Jan 31 | 5:37 AM | 6:56 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:44 PM | 6:08 PM | 7:38 PM |
Feb 01 | 5:37 AM | 6:56 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:45 PM | 6:09 PM | 7:39 PM |
Feb 02 | 5:37 AM | 6:55 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:45 PM | 6:09 PM | 7:39 PM |
Feb 03 | 5:37 AM | 6:55 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:46 PM | 6:10 PM | 7:40 PM |
Feb 04 | 5:36 AM | 6:54 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:46 PM | 6:10 PM | 7:40 PM |
Feb 05 | 5:36 AM | 6:54 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:46 PM | 6:11 PM | 7:41 PM |
Feb 06 | 5:36 AM | 6:54 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:47 PM | 6:12 PM | 7:42 PM |
Feb 07 | 5:35 AM | 6:53 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:47 PM | 6:12 PM | 7:42 PM |
Feb 08 | 5:35 AM | 6:53 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:48 PM | 6:13 PM | 7:43 PM |
Feb 09 | 5:35 AM | 6:52 AM | 12:33 PM | 3:48 PM | 6:13 PM | 7:43 PM |
Feb 10 | 5:34 AM | 6:52 AM | 12:33 PM | 3:48 PM | 6:14 PM | 7:44 PM |
Feb 11 | 5:34 AM | 6:51 AM | 12:33 PM | 3:49 PM | 6:14 PM | 7:44 PM |
Feb 12 | 5:33 AM | 6:51 AM | 12:33 PM | 3:49 PM | 6:15 PM | 7:45 PM |
How Salah Time Taif is Calculated?
These Salah times are determined based on the position of the sun throughout the year due to the Earth’s tilt and orbit. Here’s a concise explanation of how Salah times are calculated in Taif that is displaying on Salatalert.com:
- Fajr: The Fajr prayer time begins when the first light appears on the horizon and marks the end of the night.
- Dhuhr: The Dhuhr prayer time starts just after the sun crosses its highest point in the sky (zenith) and begins to decline. In Taif, this is precisely when the shadow of an object is at its shortest.
- Asr: Asr time in Saudi Arabia is calculated according to the Shafi’i school of thought. Asr prayer time starts when an object’s shadow is equal to its length plus the shadow length at noon.
- Maghrib: Maghrib time begins immediately after sunset when the upper limb of the sun disappears below the horizon. This is a straightforward calculation as it relies on the exact time of sunset.
- Isha: Isha prayer time starts when the twilight disappears and the sky becomes completely dark. This is typically when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon again, similar to Fajr but occurring in the evening.
Major Mosques in Taif to Offer Prayer
Al-Kaki Mosque
Al-Kaki Mosque is located in the heart of the city; it serves as a spiritual haven for locals and visitors alike. This mosque features beautifully crafted interiors and a space to offer prayer.
Google Map Location: Al-Kaki Mosque
Abdullah Ibn Abbas Mosque
The Abdullah Ibn Abbas Mosque holds great historical and religious significance in Taif. This mosque was named after a renowned Islamic scholar. Now, it’s a center of learning and worship. It is especially well-known for its Friday sermons and religious lectures, and worshippers come here to offer Friday prayer all over the city.
Google Map Location: Abdullah Ibn Abbas Mosque
Al-Shareef Mosque
Al-Shareef Mosque is a combination of modern design with traditional Islamic elements. This mosque offers a spacious and comfortable environment for prayer. Al-Shareef Mosque is also famous for organizing various community events.
Google Map Location: Al-Shareef Mosque
King Fahd Mosque
King Fahd Mosque is a prominent and architecturally striking mosque in Taif, named after King Fahd. This Masjid is known for its elegant design and large prayer halls, which accommodate a large number of worshippers. The mosque has modern amenities and beautifully landscaped surroundings.
Google Map Location: King Fahd Mosque
Keep your spiritual routine on track with up-to-date and accurate Taif prayer times for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. This guide, based on the trusted Umm al-Qura calendar, provides daily, weekly, and monthly prayer schedules for Salat timing in Taif. So, offer your Salat on time with given namaz timetable. Moreover, there are various prominent mosques in this city, like Al-Kaki, Abdullah Ibn Abbas, Al-Shareef, and King Fahd, to pray in a more comfortable environment. However, if you’re visiting holly cities, you can also their their time schedule by visiting Makkah Prayer Time and Prayer Time Al Madinah.
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