Prayer Time Al Madinah
This is the most accurate and up-to-date Madina prayer time based on Umm al-Qura and Makkah calculator methods. also displays the whole month's prayer time to keep you updated with the salat schedule for the whole month.
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Jan 16 | 5:45 AM | 7:07 AM | 12:31 PM | 3:35 PM | 5:56 PM | 7:26 PM |
Whole Month Prayer Time Al Madinah
The table below shows the prayer timing for the whole month of Madinah. This 30-day calendar will keep you updated with the salat timing schedule.
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Jan 16 | 5:45 AM | 7:07 AM | 12:31 PM | 3:35 PM | 5:56 PM | 7:26 PM |
Jan 17 | 5:45 AM | 7:07 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:35 PM | 5:56 PM | 7:26 PM |
Jan 18 | 5:45 AM | 7:07 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:36 PM | 5:57 PM | 7:27 PM |
Jan 19 | 5:45 AM | 7:07 AM | 12:32 PM | 3:37 PM | 5:58 PM | 7:28 PM |
Jan 20 | 5:45 AM | 7:07 AM | 12:33 PM | 3:37 PM | 5:59 PM | 7:29 PM |
Jan 21 | 5:45 AM | 7:07 AM | 12:33 PM | 3:38 PM | 5:59 PM | 7:29 PM |
Jan 22 | 5:45 AM | 7:07 AM | 12:33 PM | 3:39 PM | 6:00 PM | 7:30 PM |
Jan 23 | 5:45 AM | 7:06 AM | 12:33 PM | 3:39 PM | 6:01 PM | 7:31 PM |
Jan 24 | 5:45 AM | 7:06 AM | 12:34 PM | 3:40 PM | 6:01 PM | 7:31 PM |
Jan 25 | 5:45 AM | 7:06 AM | 12:34 PM | 3:40 PM | 6:02 PM | 7:32 PM |
Jan 26 | 5:45 AM | 7:06 AM | 12:34 PM | 3:41 PM | 6:03 PM | 7:33 PM |
Jan 27 | 5:44 AM | 7:05 AM | 12:34 PM | 3:42 PM | 6:04 PM | 7:34 PM |
Jan 28 | 5:44 AM | 7:05 AM | 12:34 PM | 3:42 PM | 6:04 PM | 7:34 PM |
Jan 29 | 5:44 AM | 7:05 AM | 12:35 PM | 3:43 PM | 6:05 PM | 7:35 PM |
Jan 30 | 5:44 AM | 7:04 AM | 12:35 PM | 3:43 PM | 6:06 PM | 7:36 PM |
Jan 31 | 5:43 AM | 7:04 AM | 12:35 PM | 3:44 PM | 6:07 PM | 7:37 PM |
Feb 01 | 5:43 AM | 7:03 AM | 12:35 PM | 3:44 PM | 6:07 PM | 7:37 PM |
Feb 02 | 5:43 AM | 7:03 AM | 12:35 PM | 3:45 PM | 6:08 PM | 7:38 PM |
Feb 03 | 5:42 AM | 7:02 AM | 12:35 PM | 3:46 PM | 6:09 PM | 7:39 PM |
Feb 04 | 5:42 AM | 7:02 AM | 12:35 PM | 3:46 PM | 6:09 PM | 7:39 PM |
Feb 05 | 5:42 AM | 7:01 AM | 12:36 PM | 3:47 PM | 6:10 PM | 7:40 PM |
Feb 06 | 5:41 AM | 7:01 AM | 12:36 PM | 3:47 PM | 6:11 PM | 7:41 PM |
Feb 07 | 5:41 AM | 7:00 AM | 12:36 PM | 3:48 PM | 6:11 PM | 7:41 PM |
Feb 08 | 5:40 AM | 7:00 AM | 12:36 PM | 3:48 PM | 6:12 PM | 7:42 PM |
Feb 09 | 5:40 AM | 6:59 AM | 12:36 PM | 3:48 PM | 6:13 PM | 7:43 PM |
Feb 10 | 5:39 AM | 6:59 AM | 12:36 PM | 3:49 PM | 6:13 PM | 7:43 PM |
Feb 11 | 5:39 AM | 6:58 AM | 12:36 PM | 3:49 PM | 6:14 PM | 7:44 PM |
Feb 12 | 5:38 AM | 6:57 AM | 12:36 PM | 3:50 PM | 6:14 PM | 7:44 PM |
Feb 13 | 5:38 AM | 6:57 AM | 12:36 PM | 3:50 PM | 6:15 PM | 7:45 PM |
Complete Madina Prayer Time displays the timing for the five daily prayers. These prayers include:
- Fajr
- Dhuhr
- Asr
- Maghrib
- Isha
This Salat timing table is 100% accurate and up-to-date according to authentic Saudi Arabian sources. The calendar also shows sunrise times, so you can pray Fajr in Madinah on time. Besides Madinah, you can also find prayer times for other cities, including Jeddah, Makkah, and Riyadh, on
How Prayer Times are Calculated in Al Madinah
Umm al-Qura Calendar
This site (salatalert) displays Prayer time Al Madinah by using The Umm al-Qura calendar that is the official Islamic calendar used in Saudi Arabia. Actually, it’s a lunar calendar, which means it’s based on the moon’s cycles.
Prayer timing and all other Islamic events, such as Ramadan, Eid, Hajj, and other holy events, are decided according to the Umm al-Qura calendar. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, it begins with the Hijri year, which marks the time when Prophet Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina.
Religious scholars and other relevant experts carefully calculate this calendar, and it’s used for both spiritual and everyday purposes in Saudi Arabia.
Calculation Methods
Prayer times in Madina are also calculated in the same ways as in other cities in Saudi Arabia. This means they’re calculated using precise astronomical methods based on the position of the sun throughout the day. These methods calculate the angles of the sun relative to the horizon to calculate the timing of five daily prayers.
- Fajr: Calculated when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon, indicating the start of dawn.
- Dhuhr: Dhuhar prayer timing begins when the sun has passed its zenith and starts to decline from its highest point in the sky.
- Asr: Asr salat time is calculated by the length of an object’s shadow relative to its height. It is usually calculated using one of two methods (standard or Hanafi) based on the ratio of shadow length.
- Maghrib: This prayer time starts when the sun has completely set below the horizon.
- Isha: It starts when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon, and there is complete darkness outside.
Benefits of Following a Prayer Schedule
Discipline and Routine
Sticking with a proper prayer timetable promotes proper discipline and structure in daily life. Consistently setting aside time for prayer helps create a routine that can make your day more organized and focused. This regular practice not only brings order to your day but also strengthens your self-control and time-management skills. As a result, it not only makes your religious duty on time but also improves daily productivity in other areas of life.
Spiritual Connection
Offering prayer regularly deepens your spiritual connection and enhances mindfulness. By following a prayer schedule, you create moments of reflection and peace, allowing you to reconnect with your spiritual beliefs. This consistent practice promotes a deeper sense of purpose, reduces stress, and promotes inner peace.
Benefits of Offering Salat in Al Madinah
Al Madinah, also called Madinah or Medina, is the second holiest city in Islam after Mecca. This city is the spiritual focal point for Muslims around the world. Medina’s primary prominence is due to its association with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who migrated to Al Madinah from Mecca. In Islamic history, this event is also called the Hijrah. It is noteworthy that the Islamic calendar started after this migration.
Al Madinah is home to Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, the Prophet’s Mosque, which is the second holiest mosque in Islam after Masjid al-Haram. The Prophet’s tomb is also located in this city. Pilgrims from around the world visit the mosque to offer their prayers and seek blessings.
Moreover, there is a special reward for offering prayers in Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, and several Hadiths describe this. Here are a few notable Hadiths:
“The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “One prayer in my mosque is better than a thousand prayers in any other mosque except Al-Masjid al-Haram.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 21, Hadith 282)”.
There is another notable hadith in Sahih Muslim: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“Whoever prays forty prayers in my mosque, not missing one prayer, will be protected from the Fire, and from punishment, and from hypocrisy.” (Sahih Muslim, Book 6, Hadith 241).
So, if you’re in this holy city, you can follow the prayer times in Madinah Masjid Nabawi as given in the table above.
Following prayer time, Al Madinah will help you offer salat on time. With the most accurate and up-to-date timings based on the Umm al-Qura calendar, ensures you never miss a single prayer. By following these precise prayer times, you align yourself with the traditions of Islam in this holy city.
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